Saturday, October 25, 2014

Eastern Qing Tombs

The Eastern Qing Tombs locate in Hebei Province. Among the finest, best-preserved and largest of the extant tomb complexes in China, it is located along Changrui Mountain in the west of Malanyu Town, Zunhua County, Hebei Province. Along the south side of Changrui Mountain, the tombs of five emperors, four empresses, five imperial concubines, and one princess are arrayed based on the traditional concept of placing the most senior and most distinguished in the center.

Of all, Xiaoling is the biggest and most elaborate, standing as the focal point of the entire structure. The grandeur of this tomb may be attributed to its having been the first sepulcher constructed for a member of the royal family of the Qing Dynasty, so the builders hoped to set the tone for a prosperous future. Crossing through the Great Red Gate, you can see buildings of different sizes, all with roofs of yellow glazed tile, connected by the brick paths or 'sacred ways' that converge in the area of Xiaoling.
From the stone tablets in the southern part of tombs district to the mortuary site of Xiaoling Tomb, there is a 5 km long holy path, along which the solemn grand elegant buildings, such as Big Red Gate, Saint Devotions Stele Pavilion, stone figures, Ling En Gate, Ling En Palace and Square Pavilion, stand in a good order.

Yuling Tomb for Emperor Qianlong is a treasure house of carving art. Except the floor, the walls and gates of tomb are made of stone, on which various pictures are carved, such as Eight Bodhisattvas, Four Kings, Five Dhyani Buddha, Five Sacrificial Offerings, Eight Treasures, and the Buddha Nom in Sanskrit and Tibetan characters. These unique pictures, with clear fluent lines and vivid forms making an integrated mass, are placed in good order. 
East Dongling Tomb for Empress Cixi is also quite unique. The balustrades around Ling En Palace are carved with the pictures of the dragon and phoenix as well as the water and cloud waves. The stone stair in front of palace, a masterwork of outworking carving, is carved with a vivid picture of a dragon and a phoenix playing with a ball (the dragon is below the phoenix).
Just because of their indisputable charm and their great historical, artistic and scientific value, the Eastern Qing Tombs was inscribed into the World Heritage list on Nov, 30, 2000, and was appraised as AAAA scenic spot by the state Travel Bureau in Jan. 2001. Many of the minor ones are also worth visiting as you learn about Chinese culture while enjoying the beauty of the area.
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